Navratri 9 nights meditation
Mon, Oct 23
Nav means 9, and Ratri means night. My intention is to celebrate 9 nights with meditation together in our community. This is free and open to anyone who wants to join online.

Time & Location
Oct 23, 2023, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
About the event
Please join me from Sunday, October 15th to October 24th in the celebration of Navratri. Nav means 9 and Ratri means night, my intention is to celebrate 9 nights with meditation together in our community. This is free and open to anyone who wants to join.
Please share the link with friends and family and or join using the link below. The same link is valid for all 9 days.
What is it and why?
Navratri is a major Hindu festival honoring and turning in to listen to the wisdom of the Divine Feminine in her 9 forms, including the wisdom within you! With all that is happening in the world right now, we need to tap into the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and trust her guidance.
These 9 days are about honoring Durga Maa, she is the Divine Mother, and she offers us inner strength, to face our own shadows and connect with the purity of our Essence and who we really are.
What to expect?
We will begin each evening with a short teaching of the Goddess we are honoring and how it relates to us and then we will go into a guided meditation that I will channel for each day. Each Goddess is associated with a color and a message that will also be a part of our meditation.
Where and how long?
This is a FREE ONLINE event and is open to all people. Please share the link with friends and family.
Time: 7.30-8.30 pm PST
Link for all 9 days:
Hemla Makan-Dullabh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Navratri 9 nights meditation Time: Oct 15, 2023 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3373173321?pwd=NTNVUk5vNlY1MzJFN1p5MkRhQVhqQT09 Meeting ID: 337 317 3321 Passcode: 587203
I look forward to seeing you there!
Warmly Hemla