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Free Resources to Help with Anxiety

Hemla Makan-Dullabh

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

I know that during this time of COVID-19 many of us are struggling with fear, anxiety, and worry. I have been thinking about some of my favorite resources, I have been using some of these that are helping me and my clients ease some of the anxiety.

I have noticed that somatic work is extremely valuable in easing some of the anxiety that is causing many of us to be tightly wound.

In my practice, I am finding that Reiki, breath-work, yoga, body-mind centering practices, Quantum Energetix, and sitting/walking meditations are all effective ways of helping people deal with anxiety right now. I am also finding that my clients are really benefiting from remote zoom sessions.

If you're wondering how that can be?

Well, energy is a moving force it can be felt anywhere at any time! The 12 Laws of the universe help us understand how the universe works. It states that the laws of physics explain the physical world; that is energy, light vibration, and motion. Everything is connected to everything else, "as above, so below". So, all somatic/energy work can be felt across distance since the intention is to help us to ease our fear or anxiety. The elements of vibration and frequency are felt in the universe in a perpetual circular motion so it is possible to receive reiki over a distance of feel things change within your body even if the practitioner is not physically in the room with you. It all comes down to your receptivity and your will to want to heal your own body since at the end of the day you are your own healer and the practitioner is there as a guide to help you notice what needs healing. We are often so caught up in our personalty's patterning that we can't always see that we are repeating the same patterns! If you would like to try out a session Click here to book a zoom session

I know that there is a myriad of offers available by many well know teachers. I have compiled a list of free resources that I have found valuable from various teachers and I have created 2 FREE meditations just for you! I hope you find them useful.


The first meditation I created is for releasing anxiety and fear since many of us are struggling with this now during COVID-19.

The second meditation is for healing, bringing compassion to ourselves and others and regeneration and growth.

Tara Brach is another meditation teacher that I think has a lot of valuable information to offer.

Hay house - this is a great resource as they often have great books, meditations, card decks, and good teachers to listen to and learn from.

Practices in Presence:

One of the best ways we can ease some of the anxiety or stress we feel is to practice presence. When we are being present to our breath, to ourselves then we don't get caught up in the stories, fears, and stresses.

Eckhart Tolle is one of my favorite teachers in the practice of presence, here is a video for you:

Thich Nhat Hanh is another inspirational teacher to listen to, at 93 yrs old he is an incredible teacher and I find his teachings simple and powerful. Sounds True is a great site to listen to a variety of teachers and this particular series with Thich Nhat Hanh is done with Sounds True. Here is a practice in presence:

Music for the soul:

Music has the power to uplift and inspires us, here are some fun things to listen to:

Chants or spiritual songs can be used to ground and center us and they are especially great to use when meditating:

Creative expressions:

Art is a great way to release anxiety and stress, here are some fun options.

Connecting with nature:

These are great ways to connect with nature, especially for those of you who can't take long walks or hike right now. These help you feel like you are right there!

Connecting with history & travel:

I have added these resources to the blog, it was shared with me by a grandmother and her two grandsons who have enjoyed reading this blog and using these resources. Thank you!

I hope these resources help you with, some fun and some relaxing ways to deal with stress & anxiety during this time.

Look out for more meditations on my website and on Soundcloud

Until next time, I wish you and your family good health and well-being.

Warmly Hemla

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